

SFD Phase IV

SFD IV is running a 5-year program (from 2011 to 2015) responding to the (2011-2015) state Plan for Economic and Social Development and Poverty Reduction. The SFD IV (2011-2015) has projected to implement intervention worth $1.1 billion, it can now commit to the implementation of 1,400 projects annually, disbursing in average some $14 million per month with operating expenses of approximately 5%.

Community and Local Development Program

  • Access of poor communities to basic social services (education, water, health, rural roads and the environment);
  • Continue to respond to priority needs expressed by local communities;
  • Maintain focus on vulnerable groups (youth, women, children and special needs groups);
  • Preserving the rich cultural heritage of Yemen and providing jobs.

Small and Micro Enterprises Development Program

  • Continue to support Micro Finance Institutions to provide effective and sustainable financial services;
  • Encourage new local and international potential players to join the sector;
  • Support institutions to provide effective Business Development Services.

Capacity Building Program

  • Capacity building and skills development to local authorities, private sector, communities and non-governmental organizations;
  • Continue to support central government focusing on human resources development, institutional development and strengthening of systems;
  • Promote decentralization and local development through capacity building of local councils and local authorities.

Labor Intensive Works Program

  • Provide temporary job opportunities for the chronically poor;
  • Building and rehabilitating community infrastructure (roads, terraces, water management systems);
  • Addressing external shocks through the provision of a comprehensive safety net – linked to enhancing rural productivity.

 This link is the SFD document of phase IV.

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