

Integrated Interventions

The Integrated Interventions Program (IIP) is a multi-sector program aimed at empowering communities in some of Yemen’s poorest areas.

The IIP is primarily aimed at enhancing community organisation, building social capital and facilitating relationships between the community and partners outside the community. The IIP is also aimed at providing support to Local Authorities so that in the longer term, the Local Authorities can give greater support and partner poor communities.

The objectives of the IIP are to:

  • Improve social and economic conditions of the poorest communities;
  • Organize and empower local communities, and develop external partnership for achieving self-development
  • Develop and enhance a working mechanism with the local authority of the poorest or most marginalized communities.


The IIP has an implementation Policy—a way of working which emphasises community ownership, works to reach women and other groups who may be marginalised and to increase local knowledge of economic and social opportunities and development partnerships.


The IIP promotes the role of local development committees to identify needs, priorities and possible external partners.


In general terms, the IIP phases are as follows:

  1. Selection of Intervention Areas using field selection criteria, and in partnership with staff from  local authorities
  2. Participation of the local community during the selection process
  3. A social and economic survey study
  4. A needs identification study. This will use PRA methodology, (see SFD Manual on how to conduct a PRA needs identifications study)
  5. Formation and training of a Local Development Committee
  6. Developing a Local Development Plan
  7. Workshops for the local council/authority to discuss and approve the LDP;
  8. Training the LDC on managing development activities through community participation;
  9. Forming the community structures e.g. project committees;
  10. Implementation of the projects in phases according to their priority;
  11. Follow up and evaluation.


The main areas that may make up a Local Development Plan (LDP) will depend on local priorities. However the LDP is likely to include: capacity building, water improvements, education, health, literacy, rural roads and economic and agricultural activities. When implementing in these areas, SFD criteria apply. For example, if a water project is implemented, it should be implemented according to the Water and Environment Unit’s policies.


In the future, it is expected that there will be greater involvement of Local Authorities and SFD support to Local Authorities may increase. Support includes:

·     Sharing the objectives of the IIP with Local Authorities

·     Determining what Local Authorities need to accomplish their roles as responsive development agencies

·     Encourage Local Authorities to use a participatory approach to development

·     Strengthening of relationships between Local Authorities and local organisations.


Once established, it is expected that both local authorities and communities will be supported to spread the IIP model of working beyond their immediate areas.

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