Field Stories
Al-Sukhna Natural Springs

Al-Sukhna’s hot sulfur underground water has been regarded as one of the most important therapeutic destinations in Yemen for sixty years; each year, an estimated 50,000 local and foreign tourists visit the town’s natural baths ("hammam") for natural therapy.
Between 60 and 80 cubic meters of used water are being drained out of the hammam per day through an open 1.5meter wide canal that passes in front of houses and dispose the wastewater into the Al-Melh Valley, which is a broad valley located at the bottom of the mountains, at a safe distance from the residences and people. In some parts of the town, the insufficient ground slope creates large swamps of stagnant water, which emit a foul odor and become good habitat for mosquitoes breeding.
To improve the health and environmental condition of the town, the SFD supported the Al-Sukhna community in its efforts to restore the damaged internal parts of the hammam. SFD also worked with the community to develop a suitable drainage network for the hammam by extending an existing network of plastic pipes and manholes so that they would drain water away from the town.
The project was completed, bringing a decent and new appearance for the area and its people.
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