Field Stories
Linking development to environment restores Ecosystems

Yemen needs response models where #Environment & development R interlinked to get life started #SFDAgr supported 1702 farmers to be #EcosystemRestoration CHAMPIONS; transformed fm resources depleters to Ecosystem-driven producers & promoters.
Promoting links between environment and sustainable development is a cross-cutting issue in our response countrywide. We protect natural resources as being the foundation for green development and durable biodiversity.
The Ecosystem restoration is key for a longer and healthier life. We support it by growing gardens, diversifying diets for the poorest pregnant and lactating women and their kids, producing cleaner water, harnessing technology for food production and many other activities nationwide.
The opportunities provided by Ecosystem Restoration have influenced our policy; the water sector is replacing polluting and costly fuel with environment friendly solar power to sustainably pump water to the uphill urban communities. A relative water pumping sub-projects for Hajjah and Ibb cities.
The vegetable grower Musleh Alqahm from Amran is expressing a good story of an individual capable to improve and then exploit his environment in order to return financially for him and his community. As he joined a village Loan and Saving Associations (VSLAs), he got an access to finance and worked on Ecosystem restoration by buying a greenhouse; he rationalized water, fuel and inputs; thus the production and income increased consequently. Now he aspires to buy another greenhouse for higher income.
Sectoral thinking obstructs meeting SUSTAINABLE development. The issue isn't on sector coordination but on service integration to reflect the joined-up nature of goals in poor #Yemen A good example is the SFD large focus on Ecosystem governance using rainwater harvesting.
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