Field Stories
Marking #WomenDay with female heros

As the world marks woman day, the Yemeni woman works for her family more than ever before under the conflict stress. Providing household rain collecting cisterns has significantly and sustainably reduced the women's most effort & time-demanding burden. Yemeni woman has ranked the LAST for the 14th year in a row in the World Economic Forum’s gender gap index. Her situation deteriorates as the conflict drags on triggering deeper marginalization from making decisions. In response to part of this gap, the SFD has made different achievements. For example, the Education sector has sought to improve this situation by having 4,845 youths (50% female) recruited, trained, received wages and delivered community-based education. The Tamkeen program is providing equal opportunities in employment (2,700 females), representation in 62,400 formed VCCs and providing access to 15,300 women to learn income generating skills.
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