Public health and environment improvement projects launched in Al-Duraihimi

The population of Al-Hodeida and some other governorates are still suffering famine due to lack of income and food aid and the spread of cholera epidemic due to open sewage and disease-carrying insects on the western coastline. For these reasons, the SFD Cash-for-Work Program has launched two projects to provide temporary paid employment opportunities for the poor in return for their work in the rehabilitation and construction of shelter and latrines for themselves in order to improve their health and environmental conditions in the villages of Alsawlah, Al-Baryt and Al-buniah in Al-Duraihimi district (Al-Hodeida). The projects will serve 270 of the poorest households, that suffer from the harsh economic and living conditions due to the ongoing war. During the launching activities, the SFD teams made the population in those areas aware of the risks of cholera, its causes and methods of transmission, as well as ways of preventing it in light of the SFD emergency response using the awareness campaigns to reduce the spread of the disease in Yemen.
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